Sunday 11 March 2012

Improve your relationships in 20 seconds?... no *book or *YouTube vid required?..

How honest do you want your partner to be?
Is it possible to really be honest with that person in your life... who you care about and don’t want to hurt?
Is it honesty really that important?
Do relationships work best if each person has a role and sticks to it?
Or is self expression and the freedom to be oneself...the key?..
Truth is ... I can be all of those things. ..some of those things... or none of those things
As everyone is different... and has different requirements in a relationship.

Which is why, any book or YouTube clip with the title... or similar title of... 'How to win the heart of your man!'... 'What men want!'... 'What men hate!'... 'What women need!' .. 'What women desire!'...
Aint worth a dollar or dime... pound or pence...

I went through a time in my life when I read the 'Mars and Venus' books, the ‘Rules’ and all that...
That was then.... many many years ago.
One classic is ... 'What men think!'... are you shitting me with that one!?!... ...ask any man what he’s thinking at any given time and you’ll more than likely get a black

Trust me. If someone’s gonna love you... they gonna love you. Simple.
They’ll open up to you.. trust you.. talk to you.. and share their thoughts with you... freely.
Whether you’re tall short fat thin, naggy or not naggy.. silly or smart.. can cook or cant cook.. tidy or messy... whatever.. someone's gonna love all that shit... and much more.
If anyone wants to know what makes their partner tick... or ticks them off.... ask them

Not all men are the same, and not all women are the same...
That little ankle kissing thing may have worked with an ex... don’t mean it’ll work with your new girl...
That stroking thing?... uh uh.... too hard .. too soft.. to annoying.. not annoying enough... jeesh it can be a minefield...
I think it’s time to drop the old tricks, approach each relationship fresh with an open heart...or.. freshen up an old relationship...and get to know that person. If you get a book to understand anyone... Probably best if it’s a book to understand yourself first.

Disclaimer....* some books... and yes i'll say it some You Tube clips can offer real insight... be discerning!!!... some help.. but some really can hinder

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