Thursday 8 November 2012

To be or not to be

Who you are and who you want to be
I actually wrote this post in the bath this morning. Too much information I know.

It’s only relevant as it’s where I'm able to do some of my clearest thinking. It’s just me alone with my thoughts... or at times, no thoughts at all, just stillness.
Anyway, what struck me today was how many of us never become the people we want to be, and why.
Truth is, whenever a person says I’d love to be like (whatever) in the future.. that’s pretty much where it remains.
I’m going to try to explain this however inarticulately, so I apologise in advance.

The person you want to be exists in the here and now. Some may say they want to be less impatient, less angry, or happier, yet fail to address the behaviours that they find unappealing as they occur, or as they show up in their lives. There doesn't have to be a grand statement or announcement to the masses, and this work may take time, but the fact is that if you choose to become immediately, the person you want to be, you will be it.
Some may argue okay well hang on.. I want to be a multi millionaire in the future, but I actually have -0 in the bank right now. How can I be that person today? right now?
I would say, “who would you be if you were a multi millionaire..?”
That person may then say.. “Well I’d be travelling, buying properties, clothes businesses etc”
I would then say,” that’s what you would be doing.. I said who would you be.. how would you feel.. tell me about you
They may then go on to say things like .. “Well I’d be happier, less stressed, a nicer person, friendly, spend more time with family and friends etc”
And that’s my point.
Be that now.
You can live your multi millionaire life right now if you think about it.

The only thing stopping us from being who we want to be, is who we are now.
Our resentments, anger, greed or any other behaviour that's in total contrast to our highest purpose, our truest nature, can be dealt with right now.

Before we know it.. that person we’ve always wanted to be .. is exactly who we are.
No doubt.

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