Sunday 11 November 2012

When we see the god within

We are incapable of inflicting harm with intent.
Laws that we create, we do so to substitute mans inability to use their own capabilities to govern themselves in accordance with universal spiritual law.
I wonder what what would happen if all laws were removed.
Would we then see the god in others?.
Is our very survival dependent on it?.
But that's how laws came about in the first place right?
As we couldn't, wouldn't, didn't..
But that doesn't mean it's a lost cause.. and that it can't be now
But lost souls can't guide lost souls and get found you say..
That's true.. the blind surely been leading the blind for too long now
But comes a time when what's lost can be found..
Just gotta look hard enough.. and never stop
and sometimes you gotta accept what's lost

Maybe when we get tired of fighting.. maybe when we get tired of hating
Maybe when we get tired of asking..then maybe then, well see

Happy Sunday x


  1. Digging the tunes...hope your sunday has been good!

  2. It's been cool B.C.. thanks.. hope yours nice also
