Thursday 13 February 2014

Buzz Lightyear

Yesterday, a friend pulled me aside, and told me that a mutual friend of ours had died. I was shocked.
We had mentioned him only a week or two ago, wondering how he was. At that time I was explaining to her that I hadn't seen him for awhile, but that out and about on a work mission I had got lost (in my local area) looking for a community centre, and as I stopped to gather my bearings I heard a voice say.. 'Hey'.. I turned around and there he was. Turned out that I had stopped, outside his house.

The back story is that he used to live across the road from me for many years, I was in my twenties when I first met him, then many years later, he moved away .

I was happy to see him Autumn last year
I had always know him as a highly intelligent man.. a man with high expectations - a vanguard kinda guy. Life...I don't know sometimes.

Anyway, we chatted for awhile then he pointed out where the community centre I was looking for was - I thanked him, we shared a laugh, then we bode each other goodbye. It felt good to see him.
I didn't realise that would be the last time..
I'm grateful I got 'lost' that day.

I asked Ti last night if he remembered him
'Buzz lightyear?? of course .. how you mean..with that tasty fish he made us.. probably the most tastiest food ever step foot in this house..'
The cheek of it made me smile.. but I then had to tell him the news.

So, today, I wanted to mark it in some way but I don't want to be, or feel too sombre. My memories dance around in my mind sometimes and it's sad to think. His children have lost thier father, a mother a son.. and so it goes on. So sad yes, but there's a bit of that at the moment so I'll try something else.. he wasn't a sombre guy.. he always had a smile, and always had time

'So Hey!..'

'I'm so sorry to hear you've..'

'I'm just glad I got to ..'


'One.. last..'

'on my way to the..'

'Thanks...for making us..'

'You did your absolute...'

'and you did..'

'Thanks for being such a good..'

'and for the best fried...'

'..that little Ti, had ever tasted..'

'You will be missed..'

'To infinity..'


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